Saturday, November 26, 2011

Other cities (the cities of others)

One thing I'm doing to promote How We Saved the City is giving people self-addressed, stamped postcards that ask them to tell me their name, where they live, and about a change in their city or town. I'll post what they tell me here, more or less as it comes in.

There will be an abundance of these postcards at the Arcades Project Showcase in Ithaca, NY on December 2nd, where Stockport Flats will give one to anyone who buys a copy of my book. Katie Yates's poem for the house will also be on offer. The first five copies to sell will also be accompanied by a very-limited-edition chapbook with a quilted cover (no picture; you have to go see) and purchasers will also have a chance to order one of the amulets I make -- more about those another time. Katie will also be offering hand-knit rescue scarves (proceeds to the Red Cross). I think there's a seesaw involved.

Look for the first city's change tomorrow morning.

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